Review: This is a gripping, fast-paced Inspirational/Christian historical romance. It has lots of adventure. The characters are well-developed and realistic. Isabelle is a strong, fierce woman that knows who she is and doesn't need a man to define who she is. When Samuel and Isabelle get captured by the Indians, I felt torn with how the Indians were portrayed, but then I reminded myself that the book was historically correct in their portrayal instead of today's politically correct one.
Jamie Carie definitely did her research about the American Revolution and life during that time. I liked the Indiana connection, since part of it was located in Vincennes. I think readers that love strong historical stories will love this, readers that love a great romance will find a gripping love story, and the readers that love an Inspirational novel that provides a great story with a great message will also find plenty to enjoy and inspire them in their faith. I highly recommend this novel.